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The team at Dialpad International team has expertise across multiple cloud platforms including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platforms and possess in depth capabilities to take advantage offered by each of these platforms in-line with business goals and limitations of your unique organization. We employ technologies such as Kubernetes and Terraform to minimize dependencies on any specific cloud provider, enabling you to cope up with ever changing technical requirements and budgetary constraints. We ensure retaining your existing investment in the original applications and reduce cost and complexity by applying DevOps agile practices and tools like containers, Kubernetes and micro services making the whole project run faster and smoother by automating key steps and improving operational efficiency and standardization.

Our DevOps architects and engineers are experienced in building robust infrastructures needed to support the Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline as an effective means to help rapidly test and deploy system enhancements and improvements, employing automated testing, build pipelines, backups, deployments, and security scanning.

Infrastructure as Code automates the management and provisioning of IT infrastructure through software, rather than requiring a manual time consuming and error-prone process enabling teams to rapidly provision on demand reliable test and production environments at scale.